The Ladies of Grace ministry exists to encourage women to develop relationships with one another around the truth of the gospel. ~ Growing out of the two greatest commandments, to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves, we study God’s Word, pray, spend time together, and welcome opportunities to serve others. In these ways, lives are known and shared, burdens are revealed and carried, and joys are celebrated. ~ “Ladies of Grace” are women who live what we believe, knowing our desperate need for Christ, and lifting each other up to depend on Him, that the world may know us by our Christ-like love.
Ladies of Grace hosts gatherings to meet for fellowship and teaching, along with quarterly events, annual retreats, and other relationship-building opportunities. We love coming alongside our covenant families to bless and encourage them with wedding and baby shower celebrations.
If you have questions about Ladies of Grace women’s ministry, or would like additional information, please email us at