If you have time to explore, you will be able to learn a bit about our church. We post our “Orders of Service” every week. Take a look as this will give you feel for the kind of corporate worship we participate in each Sunday. There is a page that will acquaint you with our history and what God has done in and through this church. For current events and “happenings” go to our “About Us” page. We have current and archived newsletters that will fill in the gaps with what is going on with the GCPC family. I also invite you to connect with us on social media. You can find the links at the top right of this page.
If you really want to know about Grace Community Presbyterian Church then please visit us on a Sunday morning. This web page gives you an idea about what we believe and from where we have come and where we hope to go…all important stuff. But our church is defined by the people who attend and their commitment to the Lord Jesus and each other. So join us this Sunday and let us introduce ourselves to you. It will be our privilege to welcome you.
Thanks for visiting the site!
Kyle Oliphint, Minister
Mark your calendars for these great events coming up.